
Sunday = Funday

After a horrible week I was damn sure looking forward to some downtime this weekend... After a busy Saturday when I meticulously cleaned the apartment, shopped enough food for a month and tried two new recipes (ehmmm... they were eatable :) I was ready for some fun on Sunday. There is so little time left from this summer... let's try to get the most out of it while we can! :) Did you do anything good over the weekend?

Follow Gypsy*Diaries


Kayla said...

Looks like the perfect Sunday. Glad you had a good break after a rough week.

Ramblings of a Small Town Girl

Carla said...

Beautiful post.

Redhead in Law

Pamela said...

Love the biking outfit, you can tell you have lots of fun!

Anonymous said...

And now I'm hungry ! Haha !
Lovely blog, love the "splashing" picture :)


vicky h. said...

LOOOOVE this Gabby, looks like you had so much fun and the picture of you "splashing" is seriously adorable!!

xox Vicky
Bikinis & Passports

Ps. making a post of my weekend right now :) I think we had the same weather over in Austria!!

Diana Mieczan said...

Looks like fun...Those sandals are very cute!
I had a lovely weekend too:)

Happy Monday,sweetie

Marcie said...

Glad you had fun. I am sad the last few days of sandals are among us. Love the new look of the blog, Gabby!!

xo M


Looks like so much fun! Great pictures!!:)SarahD

Tsuki aka LittleGrayFox said...

lovely collection of photos! Looks like you are making the most of it! I went camping and lucked out with the weather, too. I'm hoping the sun/warmth sticks around a little longer! summer definitely passed too quickly this year! :(

♥ Tsuki
Little Gray Fox

Gabby / Gypsy*Diaries said...

@ Tsuki That sounds like some serious fun!!! :)

kelli g. { bug miscellany } said...

i can't believe summer is almost behind us. (it's been a strange weather one out here in the pacific northwest.)

we had a super active and productive weekend. i had the most fun at the zoo with the hubbers (and playing video games afterwards. yep, we're 7 yr olds.)

ag. said...

ooh looks like fun! great photos!
after spending saturday doing errands, we went to the drive in and then hit up the fair on sunday. i'm so sad summer is coming to end and end so i'm definitely trying to make the most of it!

Bruninha said...

I love sundays...

Your photos are amazing!!


Anonymous said...

aww great pics!! makes me sad to think that my sandal days are decreasing for 2010. I got to visit some family this weekend and went on a little online shopping spree. I got myself a persona bracelet and a few shirts for fall. Pretty good weekend!

Romance Is Boring said...

love your new header!

These images are so cute! Hope you've had a good weekend!



Alicia Lund said...

Sounds like the perfect Sunday to me! So fun! PS: Love your collage below ;)

Alicia Lund said...

Sounds like the perfect Sunday to me! So fun! PS: Love your collage below ;)

Taylor Sterling said...

Looks amazing! I want some of that food!!

hannah, heart city said...

lovely summer days are the best! and your braid is so cute!

Sylvia said...

From your pics and the beautiful smile on your face, I'm sure Sunday is a Funday =)

Punctuation Mark said...

seems it was a great sunday... have a nice week!

C'est La Vie said...

downtime? you are telling me! love the fun weekend you had :)

Anonymous said...

Nice Photos...as always!!
Do you use Photoshop for this upshot?? I mean not in photos but the postcard effect!



Gabby / Gypsy*Diaries said...

@ Antonella I use Picnik, a free online tool! It's pretty basic but fun to play with! :)

Emilie said...

Cool post! Sounds like you had a fun weekend!

Lianne said...

I love relaxing weekends like that!great blog by the way!maybe we could follow each other?:)

Anonymous said...



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